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Home > ASQ:SE-2 > Scoring ASQ:SE-2 > We'd like to have ASQ:SE-2 filled out by both the child care provider and parent due to behavior issues appearing in one setting only. What is the technical guidance on interpreting results from the two questionnaires?
We'd like to have ASQ:SE-2 filled out by both the child care provider and parent due to behavior issues appearing in one setting only. What is the technical guidance on interpreting results from the two questionnaires?
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There are many instances where it can be helpful to have both a child care provider and a parent fill out ASQ questionnaires. A child may exhibit different skills and behaviors in different settings. As long as a child care provider spends 15-20 hours a week with the child, they can complete questionnaires. 

After both parties complete ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires, the results can be discussed. The ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires should be scored separately. Answers from teachers and parents should not be combined on one questionnaire with one score as a child’s behavior may be different across different settings. (If you were having two parties complete ASQ-3 questionnaires which focus on child skills like walking and stacking blocks, you could combine answers for one score.) If the child falls in the referral zone on the ASQ:SE-2 completed by the child care provider, but not on the ASQ:SE-2 completed by the parent, that is a good opportunity for discussion. 

For additional information, please read this article about teachers completing questionnaires.

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