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Showing articles from website tag

Can I post the sample ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire from your website on my website?

No. However, we encourage and permit linking from your website to the [sample questionnaire][1] to on our website. [1]:

Can I post online or email the What Is ASQ-3? and What Is ASQ:SE-2? documents?

Yes, you may post the What Is ASQ-3? and What Is ASQ:SE-2? documents on your website or your organization’s website. You also may email the documents to a colleague or a family. However, when posting online or emailing, the document may not be altered in any way, and the copyright protection line at the bottom may not…

Can I post ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires on my website or my organization’s website?

No, posting ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires on any website, password protected or otherwise, is not permitted. However, we permit and encourage linking from your website to the [sample questionnaires ][1]on our website. Our sample questionnaires may not be posted on any other website. [1]:…

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