My program has many sites screening infants & toddlers. Many of the sites use ASQ-3 but some continue to use ASQ, 2nd edition as funding is an issue. How different is the scoring between editions? Are we over-refering or under-refering? Is there any way to interpret ASQ, 2nd edition scores alongside ASQ-3 scoring?
Jun 29, 2018
The scoring on the 2nd and 3rd editions of ASQ is the same: 10 points for a yes, 5 points for a sometimes, and 0 points for not yet. When comparing the cutoff scores for the 2nd and 3rd editions, there were a few differences but not many drastic changes. There were some ASQ-3 intervals with cutoff points that were higher than the previous edition, and some intervals with cutoffs that were a little lower. The majority of ASQ-3 intervals had less than a 5 point change on the cutoffs compared with the 2nd edition. For more detail on the differences between the two editions, please see the attached PowerPoint slides.