Most pediatric practices are very busy so it’s important to realize that screening doesn't have to be overly time consuming. Simple strategies can be incorporated into office visits to support completion. Some pediatric practices choose to have caregivers complete ASQ-3 questionnaires online at home prior to scheduled well-child visits using ASQ Family Access. Practices can also choose to mail questionnaires to caregivers 2–4 weeks prior to the appointment and caregivers bring the completed questionnaire to the visit. If a caregiver arrives at the visit without having completing the questionnaire, either online or on paper, the questionnaire can be completed in the waiting room.
For practices with high percentages of parents who may require assistance when completing the questionnaires, it is recommended that questionnaire administration occur in the office setting for maximum completion rates. Caregivers should arrive at the well-child visit 15 minutes earlier than the appointment to allow time for questionnaire completion in the waiting room. Items necessary for questionnaire completion, such as cups, books, and stuffed animals, can be stored together in a quiet corner. A practice can order an ASQ-3 Materials Kit to ensure that all the needed items are available. If a computer with internet access is available in the waiting room, ASQ-3 questionnaires can be completed online with ASQ Family Access.
Ideally, ASQ-3 questionnaires are scored by office staff (or through ASQ Family Access) before the pediatrician meets with the child and caregiver. With practice, a questionnaire can be scored in 2–3 minutes. The pediatrician interprets the questionnaire results, questioning the caregiver if any questions were left blank. The pediatrician then shares results and any necessary next steps with the child’s caregiver. Read more about successful implementation in a pediatric practice.