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One of the few disadvantages of the first edition of ASQ:SE was that the validity sample did not have enough girls with social-emotional problems and, therefore, girls with scores close to the cutoffs (but not above) at the 30, 36, 48 and 60 month intervals should also be considered for referral. Is this statement still true for ASQ:SE-2?

Within the ASQ:SE-2 technical report, the developers make the following statements regarding gender and interpreting results:    “It is important to note that the validity sample did not have adequate numbers of girls identified with social-emotional problems to determine if separate cutoff scores for females are…

The ASQ-3 User's Guide reports cutoff scores and standard deviation intervals for each interval. Does a similar table exist for ASQ:SE-2?

Table C.7 in the ASQ:SE-2 User's Guide contains the cutoffs for each questionnaire interval (see ROC cutoff score column). The ASQ:SE-2 Technical Report includes a specific discussion of the ROC analyses and why means and standard deviations weren't used for ASQ:SE-2 (see pp. 193-194).

What are the means and standard deviations for the ASQ-3 questionnaires age intervals?

Table 18 on page 171 in the ASQ-3 User’s Guide lists the means and standard deviations for each domain on each ASQ-3 questionnaire interval.

Can the ASQ-3 scores be translated into percentile rank and, if so, what is that percentile?

The ASQ-3 cutoff scores are set at 2 standard deviations below the mean. The monitoring zone is between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean. Table 18 in the technical appendix (page 171 in the User’s Guide or available here ) shows the mean and standard deviations for each ASQ-3 interval. The bell curve is no…

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