There is no modified version of ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2, and it is unlikely to have parents complete both tools in less than 15 minutes. However, you could focus on ASQ-3 and only complete ASQ:SE-2 if a parent had concerns or the Personal-Social domain on ASQ-3 was low. To cut down on the amount of paper, you could consid…
To use ASQ Online, the computer or mobile device must be connected to the internet. Offline administration is not possible at this time. In the situation you describe, the home visitor would need to bring a paper copy of the ASQ to complete and then enter the data into ASQ Online when they returned to the office.
We have not collected data on this two-step process, but we do recommend it for programs that aren’t able to screen every child with both the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2. This practices does make sense in terms of what we know about autism and what our research has found in terms of using ASQ-3 with children later identified …
The developers recommend sharing the What Is ASQ-3? and What Is ASQ: SE-2? handout with families when introducing the screening program. The handouts are available in multiple languages. The introductory letter to parents may also have helpful information.
These two behavioral areas are very similar; both areas focus on communication but the difference is in the intent of the communication. The Social Communication items focus on a child’s ability to communicate to express interests, wants, or needs while the Interaction items focus on a child's ability to socialize an…
ASQ Online allows for robust data analysis with preset reports and the ability to export raw data as CSV files. The reports section in ASQ Online enables users to generate a wide selection of customizable (e.g., interval, date range) reports for individual children, individual programs, and/or groups of children acr…
A parent information meeting is a great way to introduce the concept of screening. You may find the What is ASQ-3? and What is ASQ:SE-2? parent handouts helpful as well as the sample parent welcome letters. See sample letters . This case story about a Maryland child care program that uses ASQ includes a discussio…
A parent information meeting is a great way to introduce the concept of screening. You may find the What is ASQ-3? and What is ASQ:SE-2? parent handouts helpful as well as the sample parent welcome letters. See sample letters . This case story about a Maryland child care program that uses ASQ includes a discussion…
No, 10 hours a week with a child is not enough time for a teacher to complete an ASQ:SE-2 for the child. Teachers or caregivers should spend at least 15-20 hours a week with a child in order to complete questionnaires for the child. In addition, the teacher or caregiver should have spent enough time with the child ov…
The developers recommend that professionals enlist parents to complete the questionnaires whenever possible. ASQ was developed and validated as a parent-completed tool, and many studies have found parents to be reliable evaluators of children’s behavior. As you’ve experienced, there are some scenarios—such as a cogni…