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Showing articles from 2 month tag

Why were the 2 month and 9 month questionnaires added in ASQ-3?

The addition of the 2 month questionnaire enables users to reliably screen children as young as 1 month of age. The new 9 month questionnaire helps pediatricians follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’s guideline to screen all children at the 9-month, 18-month, and 30-month well-child visits.

What is new about the third edition of ASQ?

ASQ-3 features two new questionnaires (the 2 month and 9 month questionnaires); an expanded and more flexible age range for administration; a refined Spanish translation; new cutoff scores and a new monitoring zone; new standardization data; an updated user’s guide, and online data management and questionnaire comple…

Can you provide a sample question from ASQ-3?

A question from the Problem Solving section of ASQ-3’s 2 month questionnaire, for example, is: When you hold your baby in a sitting position, does she look at a toy (about the size of a cup or rattle) that you place on the table or floor in front of her? Download a sample questionnaire .

ASQ-3 can be used with children as young as 1 month of age. What is your recommendation for screening newborn infants up to 1 month of age?

If you need to screen newborn infants, you can use the 2 month questionnaire. However, the ASQ developers do not recommend that you refer on the basis of score (i.e., if the child falls below the cutoff). You should wait until the child is 2 months of age and ask parents to complete the 2 month questionnaire again.

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