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My program has many sites screening infants & toddlers. Many of the sites use ASQ-3 but some continue to use ASQ, 2nd edition as funding is an issue. How different is the scoring between editions? Are we over-refering or under-refering? Is there any way to interpret ASQ, 2nd edition scores alongside ASQ-3 scoring?

The scoring on the 2nd and 3rd editions of ASQ is the same: 10 points for a yes, 5 points for a sometimes, and 0 points for not yet. When comparing the cutoff scores for the 2nd and 3rd editions, there were a few differences but not many drastic changes. There were some ASQ-3 intervals with cutoff points that were hi…

Where can I find a list of the cutoff scores for the monitoring and referral zones for all ASQ-3 intervals?

Table 18 on page 171 in the ASQ-3 User’s Guide contains all of the means, standard deviations, and cutoff scores for each area of all 21 intervals. On ASQ-3, the cutoff score is 2 standard deviations below the mean; the data in the 2.0 SD column represent the cutoff for referral zone. The monitoring zone is between 1…

What is new about the third edition of ASQ?

ASQ-3 features two new questionnaires (the 2 month and 9 month questionnaires); an expanded and more flexible age range for administration; a refined Spanish translation; new cutoff scores and a new monitoring zone; new standardization data; an updated user’s guide, and online data management and questionnaire comple…

How should my program use the monitoring zone for ASQ-3?

The monitoring zone helps programs identify a child with skills that are not below the cutoff but may need close attention and monitoring. This zone represents a range of scores that are at least 1 but less than 2 standard deviations below mean performance in each developmental area. When a child's score falls in the…

Why does omitting 2 questions on the ASQ-3 require an adjusted score, but skipping 2 questions on the ASQ:SE-2 does not affect the scoring?

The ASQ-3 scores are domain scores; there are only 6 questions for each ASQ-3 area so skipping even 1 question s means missing 1/6th (16.67%) of the data; omitting 2 items for an area means missing 2/6 th or 33.33% of the data. There is only one ASQ:SE-2 score which is calculated from all of the items on a question…

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