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Home > Working with Diverse Families > My program conducts screenings with children who come from Spanish-speaking homes but are currently residing in an English only speaking home at the time of screening. When would you recommend bringing an interpretor to the home to complete a questionnaire? Prior to 9 months of age, do you think an interpretor would be needed?
My program conducts screenings with children who come from Spanish-speaking homes but are currently residing in an English only speaking home at the time of screening. When would you recommend bringing an interpretor to the home to complete a questionnaire? Prior to 9 months of age, do you think an interpretor would be needed?
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Best practices for screening children with linguistically diverse backgrounds depends on many individual circumstances, including the English language skills of the child. If there is any doubt about whether the child understands English, the ASQ developers recommend that an interpretor be used. It is also important to consider the linguistic diversity of these children when interpreting results. 

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