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Home > Working with Diverse Families > Our local providers use ASQ with the help of interpreters. How do we really know that the interpretation is accurate or the norms appropriate?
Our local providers use ASQ with the help of interpreters. How do we really know that the interpretation is accurate or the norms appropriate?
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Successful use of ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 with interpreters requires interpreters that are familiar with both the language and culture of a given population. This article describes best practices for using interpreters.


In terms of norms, because ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 were normed on large groups of children in the United States, have strong psychometrics, and have been widely used by a diverse array of programs serving diverse children and families, programs can feel confident that the cutoffs work well across the population. Additionally, research supports that results are valid even with missing items. So if a particular question is problematic, confusing, or in some way challenging for a family, you can skip the item and still get a result you can trust. Also, the ASQ work that has been done in other countries is remarkably consistent with what we see in the United States--child development and cutoffs don’t vary as much as you’d expect, despite very different cultures and experiences of children around the world.

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