The full Privacy Policy for ASQ Online can be viewed here . A parent completing questionnaires through ASQ Family Access is referred to as a Family Access Authorized User in this policy. The ASQ developers are early interventionists, researchers, and educators engaged in ongoing work to improve ASQ to better enable…
We have not collected data on this two-step process, but we do recommend it for programs that aren’t able to screen every child with both the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2. This practices does make sense in terms of what we know about autism and what our research has found in terms of using ASQ-3 with children later identified …
ASQ-3 has a standardization with an unrivaled sample that closely mirrors the U.S. population in geography and ethnicity and includes children of all socioeconomic statuses. The sample includes 15,138 children whose parents completed 18,232 questionnaires. Reliability, validity, sensitivity, and specificity are all e…
The developers have not conducted research comparing scores across time to determine what constitutes a significant difference. However, there are programs that used the ASQ:SE for progress monitoring and they have suggested a 25 point decrease in total score as an improvement.
The developers have examined the difference between completing the questionnaires on paper and online and found that the results are equivalent. The research was published in Infants & Young Children . Questionnaire administration via telephone has not been examined by a research study. However, a lot of data coll…
Each individual research study using ASQ needs to be individually approved with a specific institutional review board (IRB). A tool is not given blanket approval to be used in research studies across institutions. Numerous IRB-approved studies have been completed using ASQ at many universities and hospitals.
The authors of the ASQ:SE-2 are always pleased to receive blind data. Please email [email protected] with your data and complete contact information, which will be shared only with the authors and not used by Brookes Publishing or any other party.
Because there are different numbers of items on each age interval (and thus varying score ranges), you can compute an average item score for each child and compare those average scores. The average item score is calculated by dividing the total score by the number of scored items on that interval. The chart on page 3…
Successful use of ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 with interpreters requires interpreters that are familiar with both the language and culture of a given population. This article describes best practices for using interpreters . In terms of norms, because ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 were normed on large groups of children in the Unite…
You need written permission from Brookes Publishing before adapting, translating, excerpting, or reformatting the ASQ questionnaires, User’s Guides, any related materials, or any part thereof in any way. To apply for permission, please complete a Permission Request Form . The permissions process takes several weeks …