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Showing articles from cutoff scores tag

What do the bold entries in a report mean?

In the Screening Results, By Child reports, the bolded entries are scores of concern. For ASQ-3, these will be scores that fall below the cutoff. For ASQ:SE-2, these will be scores that fall above the cutoff. The bolded entries make it more easy to spot any scores of concern.

Are there available benchmarks to use to determine if programs are finding the same percentage of questionnaires in the referral area as the national or state-wide average?

The breakdown of ASQ-3 questionnaire results (typical, monitoring, referral) depends greatly upon the population of children served by your program. In the national normative sample used to examine the psychometric properies of ASQ-3, an average of 15.5% of children fell below the cutoff score in at least one domain.…

Is the ASQ-3 Spanish version validated with a Spanish-speaking population? Does it have separate normative data?

The Spanish translation of ASQ-3 has not been separately validated or normed. It is a translation of the English tool, not a separately developed tool with its own standardization data. However, the developers’ research suggests that the English cutoff scores are appropriate for Spanish-speaking children as well. Als…

Are there numerical values for the monitoring zone cutoffs on ASQ-3? On one of the age intervals, the gray line indicating the monitoring zone ends halfway in the circle representing 45; does that indicate that the monitoring zone cutoff is 42.5?

The monitoring zone for ASQ-3 is set between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean for each domain. Table 18 in the technical appendix ( available online  or on page 171 of the ASQ-3 User's Guide) includes standard deviations for each domain of each interval. The numbers in Column 1.0 SD represent the top end of…

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