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Showing articles from ASQ-3 tag

Are there guidelines for implementing ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 for visually impaired children?

If a child has a visual impairment, a program may not need to use ASQ-3. If the child is receiving services related to the visual impairment, their development is probably being monitored regularly already (perhaps even with yearly, more in-depth assessments than ASQ-3). If you do want to use ASQ-3 with the child, it…

Can I post online or email the What Is ASQ-3? and What Is ASQ:SE-2? documents?

Yes, you may post the What Is ASQ-3? and What Is ASQ:SE-2? documents on your website or your organization’s website. You also may email the documents to a colleague or a family. However, when posting online or emailing, the document may not be altered in any way, and the copyright protection line at the bottom may no…

After completing and scoring ASQ-3 questionnaires, is there a way to form goals for the child?

ASQ-3 Learning Activities are a great way to support children's development after completing an ASQ-3 questionnaire. The activities are organized by age interval and the 5 developmental areas of ASQ-3. These activty sheets are perfect for sharing with parents of children who are developing typically or need nonintens…

What is the cost for 1,000 sets of ASQ-3 12 month questionnaires and 1,000 sets of ASQ-3 24 month questionnaires?

The ASQ-3 questionnaires are sold on a per-site basis and include paper masters and printable PDF files on CD-ROM for all 21 questionnaire intervals. We do not sell individual questionnaire intervals (for example, the 9 month ASQ-3 questionnaire). The cost for an ASQ-3 Starter Kit is $295. One individual location ma…

How do the ASQ screening tools meet the need for school readiness?

ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 are compatible with the current evidence base on kindergarten readiness. "School readiness begins at birth ... everything a child experiences impacts lifelong learning.” (Kindergarten in Kansas parent booklet, 2017, page 3). The ASQ tools start as early as 1 month of age and progress through 72 mon…

Can the ASQ-3 scores be translated into percentile rank and, if so, what is that percentile?

The ASQ-3 cutoff scores are set at 2 standard deviations below the mean. The monitoring zone is between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean. Table 18 in the technical appendix (page 171 in the User’s Guide or available here ) shows the mean and standard deviations for each ASQ-3 interval. The bell curve is no…

ASQ-3 can be used with children as young as 1 month of age. What is your recommendation for screening newborn infants up to 1 month of age?

If you need to screen newborn infants, you can use the 2 month questionnaire. However, the ASQ developers do not recommend that you refer on the basis of score (i.e., if the child falls below the cutoff). You should wait until the child is 2 months of age and ask parents to complete the 2 month questionnaire again.

Can I email ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires to a colleague or a family?

Blank questionnaires may not be emailed to anyone for any reason. However, you may always share a completed questionnaire with a family in the course of your service provision to them. You may share the completed questionnaire using any communication method (e.g., email, mail, in-person) that meets your organization…

I have heard that research shows that parents are good reporters of their child’s development. Can you share more information about this research?

Research has indeed shown that parents—regardless of socioeconomic status, location, or well-being—give accurate information about their child’s development (Rydz et al., 2005; Squires et al., 1998). Parent report is most accurate if questions are straight-forward and ask about their child’s current, observable behav…

Can ASQ-3 be used as a curriculum-based assessment?

No, ASQ-3 is not a curriculum-based assessment. A curriculum-based assessment is an observation and recording of a child's performance on a given curriculum as a basis for gathering information to make instructional decisions. ASQ-3 does not measure skills or progress related to a specific curriculum. If you are look…

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