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Showing articles from ASQ-3 tag

What type of data analysis is possible with ASQ Online? My program uses ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 at intake for our infant development and counseling center, and it is difficult to analyze aggregated data of children using the paper version.

ASQ Online  allows for robust data analysis with preset reports and the ability to export raw data as CSV files. The reports section in ASQ Online enables users to generate a wide selection of customizable (e.g., interval, date range) reports for individual children, individual programs, and/or groups of children acr…

In a pediatric setting, adding the time required to fill out ASQ-3 to history-taking and vital signs prior to a well child check-up can be problematic, especially if the child is anxious or time is short. Do you have suggestions as to how we can maximize both convenience and accuracy?

To save time and maximize convenience for parents, your practice could consider asking parents to complete ASQ-3 questionnaires in advance of the well-child visit. Many pediatric practices invite parents to complete the questionnaire electronically using ASQ Family Access . Other pediatric practices mail questionnai…

We use the ASQ with our families at our family resource centers. Do you have a short, easy-to-understand, introduction paragraph that we can share with parents that explains the ASQ process and benefits?

The developers recommend sharing the What Is ASQ-3?  and What Is ASQ: SE-2? handout with families when introducing the screening program. The handouts are available in multiple languages. The introductory letter to parents  may also have helpful information.

If a parent is not able to answer certain questions at the time of the screening, is it permissible for the teacher to observe the child in a classroom setting and answer the missed questions at a later date?

It's not ideal to have different people complete different items on the same exact questionnaire. But if skills aren't seen in one specific setting, then input from other adults, such as teachers, might be helpful. Some programs have the parent and teacher complete separate questionnaires and discuss their answers. I…

Where do I indicate that the child is premature on the ASQ-3 Summary report?

To indicate that a child was born prematurely, you would simply bubble in “Yes” for the statement “Was age adjusted for prematurity when selecting questionnaire?” This is located in the top portion of the ASQ-3 Information Summary sheet.

My program has many sites screening infants & toddlers. Many of the sites use ASQ-3 but some continue to use ASQ, 2nd edition as funding is an issue. How different is the scoring between editions? Are we over-refering or under-refering? Is there any way to interpret ASQ, 2nd edition scores alongside ASQ-3 scoring?

The scoring on the 2nd and 3rd editions of ASQ is the same: 10 points for a yes, 5 points for a sometimes, and 0 points for not yet. When comparing the cutoff scores for the 2nd and 3rd editions, there were a few differences but not many drastic changes. There were some ASQ-3 intervals with cutoff points that were hi…

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