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My program has many sites screening infants & toddlers. Many of the sites use ASQ-3 but some continue to use ASQ, 2nd edition as funding is an issue. How different is the scoring between editions? Are we over-refering or under-refering? Is there any way to interpret ASQ, 2nd edition scores alongside ASQ-3 scoring?

The scoring on the 2nd and 3rd editions of ASQ is the same: 10 points for a yes, 5 points for a sometimes, and 0 points for not yet. When comparing the cutoff scores for the 2nd and 3rd editions, there were a few differences but not many drastic changes. There were some ASQ-3 intervals with cutoff points that were hi…

What should a professional do if they observe something different than what the parent reported on the ASQ-3? Should the score be changed?

ASQ was developed and validated as a parent-completed tool, and many studies have found parents to be reliable evaluators of children's behavior. In a case where the professional knows the child well (e.g., child care teacher) and sees different behavior than reported on ASQ, an opportunity arises for discussion with…

How should my program use the monitoring zone for ASQ-3?

The monitoring zone helps programs identify a child with skills that are not below the cutoff but may need close attention and monitoring. This zone represents a range of scores that are at least 1 but less than 2 standard deviations below mean performance in each developmental area. When a child's score falls in the…

For a research study, I am recruiting parents of children under 5 years of age to complete the ASQ:SE-2. Since the tool has multiple age intervals with differing numbers of items, how can I compare ASQ:SE-2 scores for all children in that study?

Because there are different numbers of items on each age interval (and thus varying score ranges), you can compute an average item score for each child and compare those average scores. The average item score is calculated by dividing the total score by the number of scored items on that interval. The chart on page 3…

Sometimes parents answer an ASQ-3 question by filling in two circles. Do I count those questions and, if so, which answer do I use?

If possible, you should contact the parent and clarify the intended answer. If that is not successful, if the parent filled out the yes and sometimes responses, you could be conservative and score the item as sometimes . Or, you could omit the item and calculate an adjusted score for the area. See our adjusted …

On the ASQ:SE-2, why does a child receive more points for a Rarely or Never response to the question "When upset, can your baby calm down within a half hour?" than an Often or Always response?

On ASQ:SE-2 items, higher scores indicate a concern. The item from your example ("When upset, can your baby calm down within a half hour?") is a question about a competence behavior. A Rarely or Never response is associated with 10 points (marked by a X on the questionnaire) which means that the child does not have t…

Sometimes children refuse to answer questions or attempt actitivities. How do I determine if a child isn't displaying the skill because they can't or because they don't want to? Does it matter?

If a child will not answer the question or perform the action in an ASQ-3 item, you can skip that item on the questionnaire and adjust the scoring so the child isn’t penalized. You can only skip 2 items per area, though, and still score the section. Directions for using adjusted scoring is found on page  72 of the AS…

I am scoring a completed ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire, but one of the items has two answers. That is, the parent circled two responses for one item. How would I score that item?

First, you should try to contact the parent and determine which response they intended to choose for that item. If you cannot get a response from the parent, you should drop that item from the scoring (similar to a parent skipping an item) and calculate an adjusted score. For easy adjusted scoring calculation, use …

Are separate score provided for each of the 7 areas covered by ASQ:SE-2 (self regulation, compliance, social-communication, adaptive functioning, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people)?

ASQ:SE-2 provides a single, cumulative score; there are not individual scores for each of the areas covered by the screening tool. However, you may find this chart that shows which individual questions fall into which behavioral areas helpful when reviewing ASQ:SE-2 scores.

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