Your pediatric practice could consider a couple options to help parents confidently answer the questions. Some practices send parents the questionnaires in advance of the appointment, either by mail or electronically through ASQ Family Access . Having parents complete the questionnaire at home 1-2 weeks in advance o…
The blocks don't need to be exactly 1 inch. They're intended to be the small kind you often find in a child's home—so they should be about 1 inch in size but certainly do not need to be exactly that size. Basically, you want to have small blocks available that a child can easily grip and hold in one hand and that can…
ASQ-3 is designed to be completed using items that are familiar to the child and commonly available in the child's house or child care center. See a full list of items needed for each questionnaire interval here . For convenience, the ASQ-3 Materials Kit is also available for purchase . This kit contains 20 attrac…
To start implementing ASQ-3 in your program, you should purchase a Starter Kit, available in English or Spanish. The Starter Kit contains a User's Guide, the Questionnaires (paper masters and CD-ROM with printable PDFs), and a Quick Start Guide. Additional helpful products include ASQ-3 Scoring & Referral training DV…
The ASQ-3 Materials Kit contains all of the items needed to do ASQ-3 screening at every age interval. The ASQ-3 Materials Kit consists of toys, books, and other items designed to encourage a child’s participation and support effective, accurate administration of the questionnaires. Every item is safe, durable, easy t…