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Showing articles from pediatric office tag

Should a program use the ASQ-3 Materials Kit for screenings rather than the items in a child's home or child care center?

No, using the items in a child's home or child care environment is preferable in many ways. Children typically respond best to items they are already familiar with, such as items from their home. It is also important that toys and materials be relevant to the child's cultural practices. However, many home visiting…

In a pediatric setting, adding the time required to fill out ASQ-3 to history-taking and vital signs prior to a well child check-up can be problematic, especially if the child is anxious or time is short. Do you have suggestions as to how we can maximize both convenience and accuracy?

To save time and maximize convenience for parents, your practice could consider asking parents to complete ASQ-3 questionnaires in advance of the well-child visit. Many pediatric practices invite parents to complete the questionnaire electronically using ASQ Family Access . Other pediatric practices mail questionnai…

What does the following statement from the Photocopying and Use Guidelines mean? This restriction is not meant to apply to reimbursement of usual and customary charges for developmental screening when performed with other evaluation and management services.

The Photocopying and Use Guidelines does not allow a program to charge parents for completion of the questionniares, except for the exact cost to print the questionnaires from the CD-ROM or photocopy the questionnaires. However, a program may charge insurance. Reimbursement of usual and customary charges for developm…

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