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Showing articles from teacher tag

If a teacher only spends 10 hours a week with a student, can they fill out an ASQ:SE-2 for the child? Are the results still valid and reliable?

No, 10 hours a week with a child is not enough time for a teacher to complete an ASQ:SE-2 for the child. Teachers or caregivers should spend at least 15-20 hours a week with a child in order to complete questionnaires for the child. In addition, the teacher or caregiver should have spent enough time with the child ov…

My school district uses ASQ-3 as a screening tool to assess the need for special education. Instead of parents completing the form, the evaluator fills it out. This person does not know the child and spends only 15-60 minutes with the child. What are your thoughts on this practice?

ASQ-3 (and ASQ:SE-2) questionnaires are primarily designed to be completed by parents. A caregiver/teacher who spends at least 20 hours a week with the child may also complete the questionnaires. It is important that the person completing the questionnaire is familiar with the child's skills. A professional unfamilia…

What should a professional do if they observe something different than what the parent reported on the ASQ-3? Should the score be changed?

ASQ was developed and validated as a parent-completed tool, and many studies have found parents to be reliable evaluators of children's behavior. In a case where the professional knows the child well (e.g., child care teacher) and sees different behavior than reported on ASQ, an opportunity arises for discussion with…

What are the specific guidelines for how many hours child care providers should be working with children in order to fill out an ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2?

While the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 are designed primarily to be completed by parents, caregivers or teachers who spend at least 15-20 hours a week with a child may also complete the questionnaires. This ensures that the person completing the questionnaire is familiar with the child's skills. We recommend that parents be in…

Who completes ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires?

Parents or caregivers complete ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires independently, or, if necessary, with the assistance of a staff member. Caregivers and teachers who spend 15–20 hours per week with a child may also complete ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires.

Do the questionnaires need to be completed independently by a parent?

While the questionnaires were developed so that parents could complete them independently, it is acceptable for a professional to provide assistance. In situations where literacy is an issue, a professional can read the questions to the parent. A professional can also provide explanation to assist with understanding …

Our early childhood center has new children start each September. How soon should we use the ASQ with these children?

Your program can use the Ages & Stages Questionnaires as soon as you’d like with children and their parents. Many programs have parents complete the questionnaires at the beginning of the year so the teachers have an idea of the child’s skills. If teachers will be completing the questionnaires, instead of parents, th…

I am a new director at a child care center, and I am interested in screening all of our children. Would it be best for me to complete the ASQ questionnaires or would it be best for the teachers of the children to complete them?

ASQ was developed and validated as a parent-completed tool, and it is recommended that parents complete the questionnaire. However, a caregiver or teacher who spends at least 20 hours a week with the child may also complete the questionnaires. It is important that the person completing the questionnaire is familiar w…

Who completes ASQ-3 questionnaires?

Parents or caregivers complete the ASQ-3 questionnaires independently, or, if necessary, with the assistance of a professional. Caregivers and teachers who spend 15–20 hours per week with a child may also complete ASQ-3 questionnaires.

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