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Showing articles from asq website tag

I want to see how other programs are using ASQ. Is there a place where I can learn more?

Hearing firsthand how actual ASQ users implemented and improved their programs is the perfect way to get new ideas! See our Success Stories from all kinds of ASQ users from all over the world—early interventionists, pediatricians, public health nurses, home visitors, child welfare workers, Head Start teachers, chil…

I am unfamiliar with the screening process and the various steps involved. How can I learn more?

The ASQ Screening Navigator is your step-by-step guide to the big picture of developmental screening—from planning and implementing a successful program to monitoring results and fine-tuning trouble spots. Choose any step on the Screening Navigator as your entry point for free tools and resources specific to you…

Is there a way that I can find and communicate with other ASQ users around the country and around the world?

Yes! Our Networking Directory* does just that! Here you can find contact information for registered ASQ users around the United States and the world. The Networking Directory makes it easy to find other professionals who are using ASQ in a setting similar to yours—reach out to other ASQ users to find tips, strategi…

I have completed an ASQ Training of Trainers Institute and am certified to provide ASQ training for my program. Are there any additional materials available to help me conduct my training?

In addition to the trainer materials you received at the ASQ Training of Trainers Institute, you can find more training resources in the ASQ Training Portal* . The Training Portal has the materials you need to introduce ASQ to staff and get continued training support. The Training Portal makes it easy to acquaint y…

What is included in my ASQ website registration?

Your free registration to the ASQ website provides you access to the entire ASQ website—including locked resources and materials in the ASQ Resource Library , the Training Portal, and the Networking Directory.

I'm new to the ASQ website. Where should I get started?

Welcome to! The ASQ website has everything you need to support you on your ASQ journey. From a step-by-step guide through the screening process , to a library of more than 300 resources to support your implementation of ASQ, the ASQ website is your one-stop screening destination. If you're just …

I am looking for ASQ resources and materials on a specific topic. How can I find those specific items?

Within the ASQ Resource Library , you can search by keyword to find specific resources. You can also filter by topic, resource type, ASQ product, or step in the Screening Navigator . You can apply multiple filters to help narrow your search. You can also search the entire website by entering a keyword or search ter…

Is registration for the ASQ website free?

Yes! It is free to register for the ASQ website and Networking Directory! With your registration, you gain access to the Networking Directory, Training Portal, and exclusive resources in the ASQ Resource Library.

I struggle with calculating adjusted scores when there are unanswered items on the ASQ screener. Is there a way to help me calculate adjusted scores more accurately?

When it comes to screening, accuracy is important. Don't second guess your by-hand calculations—use our online calculator instead! If there are any missing or omitted responses, easily determine a child's adjusted score with our ASQ Adjusted Score Calculator . Simply indicate which screening tool is being used (e.g…

I am a parent new to the screening process. Where can I find easy-to-understand information about ASQ?

We have a page just for you! Our " For Parents " page answers parents' most frequently asked questions about ASQ screenings. If you have further questions about developmental or social-emotional screening, or any specific regarding your child's screening results, you should contact the professional who asked you to c…

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