ASQ:SE-2 relies on parents to observe their child and to complete the simple questionnaires about their child’s abilities. Having parents complete the social-emotional questionnaires is not only cost-effective, but also enhances the accuracy of screening by tapping into parents’ in-depth knowledge about their childre…
ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires are written at a 4th- to 6th-grade reading level and illustrated for ease of understanding. Each questionnaire comes with: easy instructions an information sheet for identification an information summary sheet for scoring and general comments
ASQ:SE-2 provides a single, cumulative score; there are not individual scores for each of the areas covered by the screening tool. However, you may find this chart that shows which individual questions fall into which behavioral areas helpful when reviewing ASQ:SE-2 scores.
The ASQ developers recommend having both the parent and another adult providing care for the child separately complete ASQ questionnaires. Parents with mental illness may be able to observe their child and provide valid and reliable information despite their symptoms. If the parent is an involved parent, it would be …
First, you should try to contact the parent and determine which response they intended to choose for that item. If you cannot get a response from the parent, you should drop that item from the scoring (similar to a parent skipping an item) and calculate an adjusted score. For easy adjusted scoring calculation, use …
If you plan to use the published versions of ASQ with no modifications or alterations in your research, written permission from the publisher is not required. If you plan to translate, adapt, or otherwise change the product, you should submit a request through the online form . The permissions process takes several …
Most parents see their children interact with peers—during playdates, at birthday parties, at social events, in the neighborhood, in the community, on sports teams, and so forth. For children who have been in a preschool or child care environment, parents typically have seen and heard about their children’s social in…
A question from the 30 month questionnaire, for example, is: Does your child let you know how he is feeling with either words or gestures? For example, does he let you know when he is hungry, hurt or tired?
No, the questionnaires on the CD-ROMs are in PDF format and are not fillable (interactive) or modifiable. The CD-ROMs are basically a more durable version of the paper forms. You can use the CD-ROMs to print the questionnaires and then photocopy them as needed. If your program is interested in personalizing the quest…
If you are a single-site organization purchasing an ASQ Pro subscription, you need one keycode for each type of questionnaire you are interested in using in the online system. For example, if your organization would like to use ASQ-3 in English and ASQ:SE-2 in English, you will need one ASQ-3 in English keycode and o…