ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires ask for parents to respond to items based on their child's usual behavior. The child does not need to complete any tasks for ASQ:SE-2 to be completed.
Yes, the administration date is counted as a full day when calculating age. But, the child's birth date is not counted. For example, if a child is born 5/20/2018, then on 5/20/2019 the child's age is 1 year, 0 days. For easy age calculation, use the online ASQ Calculator or download the free ASQ Calculator app from…
If your question is not answered by the information provided in the Rights & Permissions section of the ASQ Knowledge Base, please email your inquiry to Brookes Publishing’s Subsidiary Rights Department at [email protected] . E-mails are answered as quickly as possible. However, due to the volume of inqui…
Yes, ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 online questionnaires available through ASQ Family Access can be accessed on an iPad with internet access. The ASQ Family Access website is mobile optimized which allows for easy viewing of questionnaires on tablets and mobile phones.
Yes, training DVDs, on-site workshops through Brookes On Location, and annual training seminars are available. Learn more .
Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) is a flexible system that allows programs to choose the frequency of screening based on what works best with the program’s goals and capabilities. The developers do recommend that programs screen on a regular basis, rather than just once, to detect delays that may develop as childre…
Table C.7 in the ASQ:SE-2 User's Guide contains the cutoffs for each questionnaire interval (see ROC cutoff score column). The ASQ:SE-2 Technical Report includes a specific discussion of the ROC analyses and why means and standard deviations weren't used for ASQ:SE-2 (see pp. 193-194).
ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires are written at a 4th- to 6th-grade reading level and illustrated for ease of understanding. Each questionnaire comes with: easy instructions an information sheet for identification an information summary sheet for scoring and general comments
The questionnaires, family information sheets, Information Summary sheets, intervention activity sheets, What Is ASQ-3? handout, What is ASQ:SE-2? handout, mailing sheets, Parent Conference Sheets, Child Monitoring Sheets, and order form can be posted on your program’s local area network (LAN) or intranet if only peo…
When conducting research for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2, the authors used 39 weeks of gestation as a full-term pregnancy. However, some programs use 38 weeks or 40 weeks of gestation as a full-term pregnancy, which is also fine. When using ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2, you adjust for prematurity if a child is born 3 or more weeks prema…