The developers have not conducted research comparing scores across time to determine what constitutes a significant difference. However, there are programs that used the ASQ:SE for progress monitoring and they have suggested a 25 point decrease in total score as an improvement.
If a child scores above the ASQ-3 cutoffs indicating typical development, the child can follow the same routine screening protocol that your program has established for all children.
The ASQ is a flexible system and it allows programs to choose the frequency of screening based on what works best with your program’s goals and capabilities. In general, the developers recommend rescreening a child who scored in the monitoring zone (gray area) in 2-3 months. This allows the child to practice skills, …
Ages & Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) is a flexible system that allows programs to choose the frequency of screening based on what works best with the program’s goals and capabilities. The developers do recommend that programs screen on a regular basis, rather than just once, to detect delays that may develop as childre…
The developers recommend completing the entire questionnaire again, as there will be different questions at different intervals as the child ages. However, if it is a matter of a child not having experience with items or activities, such as never using crayons or pencils, you could just re-administer that domain in a…
The ASQ is a flexible system and it allows programs to choose the frequency of screening based on what works best with your program’s goals and capabilities. In general, the developers recommend rescreening a child who scored in the monitoring zone (gray area) in 2-3 months. This allows the child to practice skills, …
When rescreening, the questionnaire used depends upon the age of child and the questionnaire's administration window. You should use the age-appropriate questionnaire when rescreening. You may decide to rescreen with the same questionnaire if the child remains in the age administration window and, if the child passes…