Yes, using the next lower age interval is recommended. A provider can sample items from the lower age interval and see if the child can do those skills. It may be possible that the parents do not read English or understand the questions. A phone call is recommended to determine whether the parents need a translated q…
Information about interpreting ASQ:SE-2 scores and providing follow-up is provided on pages 96-107 of ASQ:SE-2 User's Guide. If concerns exist, referral to early intervention/early childhood special education or mental health evaluation may be appropriate. The following resources may also be helpful: Interpreting …
ASQ-3 questionnaires are designed as a screening tool to check that a child’s development is on track. The questionnaire will “pick up” any concerns about development so the items measure average skills of a child in each age range. The questionnaires do not measure advanced development. A “perfect score” of Yes for…
In this situation, providers need to be sensitive to parents' concerns and feelings, especially if it is likely that ASQ-3 items will be difficult for the child. Asking parents about the strengths of their child and starting there is a good idea. You could even ask parents to complete the ASQ-3 areas out of order to …
The score for each developmental area on ASQ-3 questionnaires range from 0 to 60 on each of the 21 age intervals. So, for every ASQ-3 questionnaire, a child has 5 scores (Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Problem Solving, Personal-Social, Communication) that each range between 0 and 60.