Your information is stored on RAID 5 storage systems, which use redundancy to protect against data loss and are designed to recover data quickly in the event of a hardware or disk failure. Brookes Publishing takes precautions to protect the confidentiality and security of the data collected and stored in the site’s d…
We do not have a document template in Word or Excel to keep track of screenings. However, the Child Monitoring Sheets included on the Questionnaires CD-ROMs or online allow you to record results for an individual child. ASQ Online allows for electronic tracking of screenings. Explore ASQ Online .
Yes, in order to use ASQ Online, the online management and online questionnaire completion system for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2, a program must first purchase print copies of the questionnaires that the program wishes to use in the online system. If a program wishes to use ASQ-3 in both English and Vietnamese, the program m…
If your ASQ keycode is not working, please contact your ASQ Online account administrator. If you are an ASQ Online account administrator, please contact technical support at 1-866-368-2666.
Yes, other test data can be included in a custom field or note within an individual child profile. The data will remain within that child profile unless removed by a user or unless the custom field is deleted by the administrator.
ASQ Online API (Application Programming Interface) allows ASQ Online to “connect” with another database management system or application. It is an automated way to import and export child data between an ASQ Online account and an external customer database management system. Learn more .
The ASQ Online Help section provides access to Quick Reference Guides, tutorials, user manuals, and other useful materials. ASQ Online users can access the Help section from the left sidebar on every page in ASQ Online. The Announcements section in ASQ Online also provides link to support materials, including weekly…
The translations commercially available from Brookes all work just like English and Spanish questionnaires in ASQ Online. The CD-ROMs have keycodes that unlock the translated questionnaires for entering results, printing, and setting up Family Access pages. Keycodes were not included on the initial printings of ASQ-3…
ASQ Online is an online management system for administering and tracking ASQ screenings electronically. The system enables users to store data, set reminders for future screenings, and run extensive reports on questionnaire results. Explore ASQ Online .
ASQ Hub is an administrative account that is designed to allow states or other large organizations the ability to view and run reports of aggregate data for linked ASQ Pro and ASQ Enterprise accounts.