A program can email parents a completed Family Information Sheet (page 1) to verify and update information. But, a blank information sheet cannot be emailed.
We recommend purchasing the ASQ :SE-2 Starter Kit , which includes a set of paper and PDF master questionnaires and the User’s Guide (US $295). All individuals at one physical location can use the master set of questionnaires to photocopy or print questionnaires from the CD-ROM. A training DVD and ASQ:SE-2 Learning…
ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires are available in multiple languages ( see a full list ). ASQ questionnaires can also be delivered in an interview format with an interpreter that speaks the parents' language. Learn more about using interpreters .
If you are presenting an ASQ-3 seminar, Brookes Publishing grants you permission to distribute photocopies of the completed 48-month ASQ-3 free of charge. If you are presenting an ASQ:SE-2 seminar, Brookes Publishing grants you permission to distribute photocopies of the completed 24-month ASQ : SE-2 free of cha…
At this point in time, the ASQ:SE-2 User's Guide is only available in English. For an at-a-glance guide to ASQ-3 administration and scoring basics, use the ASQ-3 Quick Start Guide in Spanish . Also, view the support materials available in Spanish on the ASQ website .
The ASQ is a flexible system and it allows programs to choose the frequency of screening based on what works best with your program’s goals and capabilities. In general, the developers recommend rescreening a child who scored in the monitoring zone (gray area) in 2-3 months. This allows the child to practice skills, …
Each branch office or physical site that will be using the ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 system must purchase its own box of original questionnaires with accompanying CD-ROM. Questionnaire boxes, CD-ROMs, and master forms cannot be shared among sites. Each physical site must also have its own copy of the ASQ-3 User’s Guide a…
You need written permission from Brookes Publishing before adapting, translating, excerpting, or reformatting the ASQ questionnaires, User’s Guides, any related materials, or any part thereof in any way. To apply for permission, please complete a Permission Request Form . The permissions process takes several weeks …
Written permission is needed from Brookes Publishing before translating and adapting any part of ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2. To apply for permission to translate the tool(s) for use in a research study, please download and complete the Checklist for Permission to Translate for Research Use and email it to rights@brookespub…
On ASQ:SE-2 items, higher scores indicate a concern. The item from your example ("When upset, can your baby calm down within a half hour?") is a question about a competence behavior. A Rarely or Never response is associated with 10 points (marked by a X on the questionnaire) which means that the child does not have t…