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Showing articles from ASQ:SE-2 tag

In what setting can ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires be completed?

With online questionnaire completion through ASQ Family Access, parents are able to complete ASQ:SE-2 anytime, anywhere. The questionnaires can also be completed on paper at home; during home visits by nurses, social workers, or program staff; in waiting areas; or in educational centers. ASQ:SE-2 can be adapted to a …

For a research study, I am recruiting parents of children under 5 years of age to complete the ASQ:SE-2. Since the tool has multiple age intervals with differing numbers of items, how can I compare ASQ:SE-2 scores for all children in that study?

Because there are different numbers of items on each age interval (and thus varying score ranges), you can compute an average item score for each child and compare those average scores. The average item score is calculated by dividing the total score by the number of scored items on that interval. The chart on page 3…

Can the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 be administered by a family educator or home visitor?

Yes, ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 can be administered by family educators and home visitors. The questionnaires can be administered by any professional that works with young children. To learn more about the types of ASQ users, visit Who Uses ASQ . While, there are no specific administration requirements or certifications ne…

Do paper copies of the questionnaires need to be purchased for usage of the online system?

Yes, in order to use ASQ Online, the online management and online questionnaire completion system for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2, a program must first purchase print copies of the questionnaires that the program wishes to use in the online system. If a program wishes to use ASQ-3 in both English and Vietnamese, the program m…

Our local providers use ASQ with the help of interpreters. How do we really know that the interpretation is accurate or the norms appropriate?

Successful use of ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 with interpreters requires interpreters that are familiar with both the language and culture of a given population. This article describes best practices for using interpreters . In terms of norms, because ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 were normed on large groups of children in the Unite…

How soon should a 4-year-old child be rescreened if the initial screening at the beginning of the school year showed a concern?

The ASQ is a flexible system and it allows programs to choose the frequency of screening based on what works best with your program’s goals and capabilities. In general, the developers recommend rescreening a child who scored in the monitoring zone (gray area) in 2-3 months. This allows the child to practice skills, …

When obtaining answers to questionnaires via telephone calls with parents, do we need to read the entire question, including items in parentheses?

No, it not necessary to read the entire question to parents, especially if they have a copy of the questionnaire with them. For example, item 4 in the Communication area on the 16 month questionnaire states, When you ask your child to, does he go into another room to find a familiar toy or object? (You might ask, “Wh…

I am presenting an ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 training next month. How do I obtain permission to distribute photocopies of one of the questionnaires to seminar participants?

If you are presenting an ASQ-3 seminar, Brookes Publishing grants you permission to distribute photocopies of the completed 48-month ASQ-3  free of charge. If you are presenting an ASQ:SE-2 seminar, Brookes Publishing grants you permission to distribute photocopies of the completed 24-month ASQ : SE-2  free of cha…

Can I use some of the questions from ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2 in a tool that I am creating?

You need written permission from Brookes Publishing before adapting, translating, excerpting, or reformatting the ASQ questionnaires, User’s Guides, any related materials, or any part thereof in any way. To apply for permission, please complete a Permission Request Form . The permissions process takes several weeks …

I’d like to share the data I’ve collected with ASQ:SE-2 with the authors to help further their research and the development of future editions. How do I do that?

The authors of the ASQ:SE-2 are always pleased to receive blind data. Please email [email protected] with your data and complete contact information, which will be shared only with the authors and not used by Brookes Publishing or any other party.

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