The ASQ:SE-2 User’s Guide gives professionals explicit guidance on every step of the ASQ:SE-2 process, providing detailed information on everything from parent enrollment to scoring. Helpful appendices provide samples of all important forms and letters in English and Spanish, supplemental activity sheets for paren…
Native American children were included in the research samples for both ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2. 1.1% of the sample for ASQ-3 was categorized as Native American/Alaskan (see chart on page 163 of the ASQ-3 User’s Guide) and 0.8% of the sample for ASQ:SE-2 was categorized as Native American (see page 189 of the ASQ:SE-2 Use…
If a child will not answer the question or perform the action in an ASQ-3 item, you can skip that item on the questionnaire and adjust the scoring so the child isn’t penalized. You can only skip 2 items per area, though, and still score the section. Directions for using adjusted scoring is found on page 72 of the AS…
Table C.7 in the ASQ:SE-2 User's Guide contains the cutoffs for each questionnaire interval (see ROC cutoff score column). The ASQ:SE-2 Technical Report includes a specific discussion of the ROC analyses and why means and standard deviations weren't used for ASQ:SE-2 (see pp. 193-194).
To start implementing ASQ-3 in your program, you should purchase a Starter Kit, available in English or Spanish. The Starter Kit contains a User's Guide, the Questionnaires (paper masters and CD-ROM with printable PDFs), and a Quick Start Guide. Additional helpful products include ASQ-3 Scoring & Referral training DV…
The ASQ-3 User’s Guide gives professionals explicit guidance on every step of the ASQ-3 process, providing detailed information on everything from parent enrollment to scoring. Helpful appendices provide samples of all important forms and letters in English and Spanish, supplemental activity sheets for parents, an…
The gray area or monitoring zone on ASQ-3 represents the range of scores between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the mean for each area. The top edge of the monitoring zone is 1 standard deviation below the mean and the bottom edge (also the cutoff score) is 2 deviations below the mean. The chart on page 171 of the…
The Spanish translation of ASQ-3 has not been separately validated or normed. It is a translation of the English tool, not a separately developed tool with its own standardization data. However, the developers’ research suggests that the English cutoff scores are appropriate for Spanish-speaking children as well. Als…
Table 18 on page 171 in the ASQ-3 User’s Guide lists the means and standard deviations for each domain on each ASQ-3 questionnaire interval.
Your program does not necessarily need training, but many programs find training helps with implementation. After a thorough reading of the ASQ-3 User’s Guide and several weeks of practice, an experienced early childhood professional should be able to implement the ASQ-3 effectively. However, attending an official AS…