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Showing articles from ASQ:SE-2 tag

Does ASQ Online have a mobile app?

No, there is not an app for ASQ Online. However, ASQ Family Access pages are responsively designed, which allows the pages to adjust based on the size of the mobile device allowing for easy readability. We are currently exploring developing an app for parents.

How many questionnaires are included in ASQ:SE-2?

There are a total of 9 age intervals for ASQ:SE-2: 2, 6, 12, 18, 24, 20, 36, 48, and 60 months.

Is there research on the validity and reliability of different administration methods of the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2?

The developers have examined the difference between completing the questionnaires on paper and online and found that the results are equivalent. The research was published in Infants & Young Children . Questionnaire administration via telephone has not been examined by a research study.  However, a lot of data coll…

Is ASQ:SE-2 parent-friendly?

ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires have been carefully designed to ensure clarity and ease of implementation for parents. Each questionnaire item is written in simple, straightforward language (at a 4th- to 6th-grade reading level), illustrations are provided when possible, and concrete examples are included. To further enhance…

What in-person training options are available?

We offer a variety of on-site ASQ seminars at your location and train-the-trainer institutes. Learn more about on-site seminars  and ASQ Training Institutes . To inquire about arranging an on-site seminar, you can contact the Brookes On Location (BOL) Professional Development Coordinator at seminars@brookespublis…

We have found that ASQ:SE-2 does not pick up attachment issues that we can see are a concern for our clients. Can you recommend another checklist or questionnaire that picks up on attachment issues and would facilitate a conversation with parents about attachment issues?

The ASQ developers recommend using the Social-Emotional Assessment Measure (SEAM) . The SEAM Family Profile solicits information related to attachment issues. The tool gets to the heart of whether or not the parent is able to be a "safe haven/secure base" for the child and would definitely facilitate attachment-rela…

What are the specific guidelines for how many hours child care providers should be working with children in order to fill out an ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2?

While the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 are designed primarily to be completed by parents, caregivers or teachers who spend at least 15-20 hours a week with a child may also complete the questionnaires. This ensures that the person completing the questionnaire is familiar with the child's skills. We recommend that parents be in…

What does the following statement from the Photocopying and Use Guidelines mean? This restriction is not meant to apply to reimbursement of usual and customary charges for developmental screening when performed with other evaluation and management services.

The Photocopying and Use Guidelines does not allow a program to charge parents for completion of the questionniares, except for the exact cost to print the questionnaires from the CD-ROM or photocopy the questionnaires. However, a program may charge insurance. Reimbursement of usual and customary charges for developm…

We give parents both ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 at the same time. Which ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire should be used if there isn't a questionnaire that corresponds directly to child's age assessed with ASQ-3 (for example, 8 months)?

There are no gaps between age intervals for ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires so there is always a questionnaire available for children in the appropriate age ranges (1-66 months for ASQ-3 and 1-72 months for ASQ:SE-2). Even when there is not an ASQ:SE-2 questionnaire with the exact same age as an ASQ-3 questionnaire…

Can the PDF files of the ASQ questionnaires be downloaded on multiple workstations at our clinic? Is there a limit per the license?

As long as a location owns an ASQ CD-ROM, the PDF files are able to be saved on as many computers as you'd like at that physical location. There is no limit. The files can also be uploaded to a server accessible to people at that site (but not a server that is accessible by people across multiple physical locations).

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