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Sometimes, we receive completed ASQ-3 questionnaires with scores of 0 in all domains for children that have not been diagnosed with any delays or disabilities. Should we use an ASQ-3 questionnaire in a younger age interval to help get an idea of the children’s general developmental level?

Yes, using the next lower age interval is recommended. A provider can sample items from the lower age interval and see if the child can do those skills. It may be possible that the parents do not read English or understand the questions. A phone call is recommended to determine whether the parents need a translated q…

I have encountered certain challenges with the items in the Communication domain for several intervals of ASQ-3. Can I modify certain items to adapt them to our local language?

Programs are able to adapt items that are not culturally or linguistically appropriate for the population they serve. Learn more about adapting ASQ for diverse populations . If you are interested in creating an adapted version of the questionnaires for reproduction, you will need to obtain permission. You should …

We are a home visiting program serving refugee families. Most of the parents don't speak or read English. How can we implement ASQ?

ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires are available in multiple languages ( see a full list ). ASQ questionnaires can also be delivered in an interview format with an interpreter that speaks the parents' language. Learn more about using interpreters .

My program conducts screenings with children who come from Spanish-speaking homes but are currently residing in an English only speaking home at the time of screening. When would you recommend bringing an interpretor to the home to complete a questionnaire? Prior to 9 months of age, do you think an interpretor would be needed?

Best practices for screening children with linguistically diverse backgrounds depends on many individual circumstances, including the English language skills of the child. If there is any doubt about whether the child understands English, the ASQ developers recommend that an interpretor be used. It is also important …

How does the PEDS compare to the ASQ-3 in regards to expressive Language?

Each ASQ-3 interval has 6 questions in the communication area. These questions measure expressive and receptive skills. Most age intervals have 3 questions about expressive language. For example, “Does your child make sentences that are three or four words long?” and “When your baby wants something, does she tell you…

Is the ASQ-3 Spanish version validated with a Spanish-speaking population? Does it have separate normative data?

The Spanish translation of ASQ-3 has not been separately validated or normed. It is a translation of the English tool, not a separately developed tool with its own standardization data. However, the developers’ research suggests that the English cutoff scores are appropriate for Spanish-speaking children as well. Als…

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