It is important that toys and materials used when completing ASQ-3 be relevant to the child’s cultural practices and it is ideal that those materials are accessible to the family. Using materials that exist in the home in new ways, such as stacking with plastic cups and putting lids on pots and pans, may increase the…
It is great to have both parents and child care providers complete the questionnaires and discuss results as your program is doing. Completing the same age interval four times is not ideal, especially if the child's scores were above the cutoffs during the first administration. One suggestion is to space your screeni…
Your pediatric practice could consider a couple options to help parents confidently answer the questions. Some practices send parents the questionnaires in advance of the appointment, either by mail or electronically through ASQ Family Access . Having parents complete the questionnaire at home 1-2 weeks in advance o…
There is no modified version of ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2, and it is unlikely to have parents complete both tools in less than 15 minutes. However, you could focus on ASQ-3 and only complete ASQ:SE-2 if a parent had concerns or the Personal-Social domain on ASQ-3 was low. To cut down on the amount of paper, you could consid…
To use ASQ Online, the computer or mobile device must be connected to the internet. Offline administration is not possible at this time. In the situation you describe, the home visitor would need to bring a paper copy of the ASQ to complete and then enter the data into ASQ Online when they returned to the office.
In cases such as these, we recommend averaging the two dates and using the average to determine the child's adjusted age. In many cases, the difference may not affect the questionnaire interval used.
No, using the items in a child's home or child care environment is preferable in many ways. Children typically respond best to items they are already familiar with, such as items from their home. It is also important that toys and materials be relevant to the child's cultural practices. However, many home visiting…
The developers recommend sharing the What Is ASQ-3? and What Is ASQ: SE-2? handout with families when introducing the screening program. The handouts are available in multiple languages. The introductory letter to parents may also have helpful information.
In this situation, the ASQ developers would recommend that the child be referred for further evaluation based on the parents concerns, as well as scores close to the cutoff.
ASQ Online allows for robust data analysis with preset reports and the ability to export raw data as CSV files. The reports section in ASQ Online enables users to generate a wide selection of customizable (e.g., interval, date range) reports for individual children, individual programs, and/or groups of children acr…