The ASQ developers used 39 weeks as a full-term pregnancy in their research and data analyses. In your example, the child's gestational age is rounded up to 35 weeks. 35 weeks is subtracted from 39 weeks (a full-term pregnancy) so the child is 4 weeks premature. However, if your program uses 40 weeks as a full-term …
Because you want the optimal performance from the child, if a child has difficulty understanding English, you should use his or her native language if possible. ASQ-3 measures all developmental domains and is not designed as an measurement of English skills. So, for the 42 month questionnaire, item 1 in Fine Motor me…
ASQ Online is an online management system for administering and tracking ASQ screenings electronically. The system enables users to store data, set reminders for future screenings, and run extensive reports on questionnaire results. Explore ASQ Online .
If a child is already receiving therapies through early intervention, use of a screening tool like ASQ-3 is not needed. A curriculum-based assessment tool can be used to determine a child’s current level of functioning, identify goals, and monitor progress. Examples of curriculum-based assessments include the Assess…
With online questionnaire completion through ASQ Family Access, parents are able to complete ASQ-3 anytime, anywhere. The questionnaires can also be completed on paper at home; during home visits by nurses, social workers, or program staff; in waiting areas; or in educational centers. ASQ-3 can be adapted to a variet…
ASQ-3 is a screening tool. It checks a child's development and detects developmental issues that need follow-up. Use of ASQ-3 alone does not directly improve child development, especially for children with delays. If ASQ-3 is used as part of a comprehensive system that includes appropriate follow-up assessment and pr…
Best practices for screening children with linguistically diverse backgrounds depends on many individual circumstances, including the English language skills of the child. If there is any doubt about whether the child understands English, the ASQ developers recommend that an interpretor be used. It is also important …
Your program can use the Ages & Stages Questionnaires as soon as you’d like with children and their parents. Many programs have parents complete the questionnaires at the beginning of the year so the teachers have an idea of the child’s skills. If teachers will be completing the questionnaires, instead of parents, th…
ASQ-3 is not an evidence-based vision or hearing screening tool. ASQ-3 can indicate the need for further assessment in those areas, but it does not meet the guidelines as a vision or hearing screening tool.
Each questionnaire discusses developmental activities tied to the age of the child being screened. In completing and reviewing the questionnaire, parents learn about general developmental milestones as well as their own child’s strengths. Parents find it helpful to receive suggested learning activities they can work …