ASQ-3 questionnaires have been carefully designed to ensure clarity and ease of use for parents. Each questionnaire item is written in simple, straightforward language (at a 4th- to 6th-grade reading level), illustrations are provided when possible, and concrete examples are included. To further enhance parents’ invo…
If possible, you should contact the parent and clarify the intended answer. If that is not successful, if the parent filled out the yes and sometimes responses, you could be conservative and score the item as sometimes . Or, you could omit the item and calculate an adjusted score for the area. See our adjusted …
Each branch office or physical site that will be using the ASQ-3 and/or ASQ:SE-2 system must purchase its own box of original questionnaires with accompanying CD-ROM. Questionnaire boxes, CD-ROMs, and master forms cannot be shared among sites. Each physical site must also have its own copy of the ASQ-3 User’s Guide a…
The ASQ is a flexible system and it allows programs to choose the frequency of screening based on what works best with your program’s goals and capabilities. In general, the developers recommend rescreening a child who scored in the monitoring zone (gray area) in 2-3 months. This allows the child to practice skills, …
You need written permission from Brookes Publishing before adapting, translating, excerpting, or reformatting the ASQ questionnaires, User’s Guides, any related materials, or any part thereof in any way. To apply for permission, please complete a Permission Request Form . The permissions process takes several weeks …
ASQ questionnaires were designed to be completed by parents. If only a teacher or caregiver has completed an ASQ questionnaire, it is recommended that the parents also fill out the same questionnaire interval. The teacher and parents can then discuss results and any discrepancies. It is important for teachers to reme…
Yes, we have sample letters to help you introduce your screening program and the ASQ questionnaires to parents. Please visit our Parent Communication page for these letters. You are welcome to edit the sample letters to work for your program. These sample letters are also included in the appendix of the User’s Gui…
Written permission is needed from Brookes Publishing before translating and adapting any part of ASQ-3 or ASQ:SE-2. To apply for permission to translate the tool(s) for use in a research study, please download and complete the Checklist for Permission to Translate for Research Use and email it to rights@brookespub…
The authors of the ASQ-3 are always pleased to receive blind data. Please email [email protected] with your data and complete contact information, which will be shared only with the authors and not used by Brookes Publishing or any other party.
The translations commercially available from Brookes all work just like English and Spanish questionnaires in ASQ Online. The CD-ROMs have keycodes that unlock the translated questionnaires for entering results, printing, and setting up Family Access pages. Keycodes were not included on the initial printings of ASQ-3…