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Showing articles from Spanish tag

What ASQ tools are available in ASQ Online?

ASQ Online can be used with both ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2, as well as all of the translations available through Brookes Publishing, including Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, and Vietnamese. ASQ Online can also be used with ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 Learning Activities in both English and Spanish. In order to use ASQ-3, ASQ:SE…

How has ASQ-3 in Spanish been refined?

ASQ-3 in Spanish reflects all changes to ASQ-3 in English. Questions in the Spanish translation have also been worded more clearly to improve utility of the questionnaires for Spanish-speaking parents. The translation was reviewed by a panel of Spanish-speaking early childhood experts who focused on issues of dialect…

What is new about the third edition of ASQ?

ASQ-3 features two new questionnaires (the 2 month and 9 month questionnaires); an expanded and more flexible age range for administration; a refined Spanish translation; new cutoff scores and a new monitoring zone; new standardization data; an updated user’s guide, and online data management and questionnaire comple…

Is there an ASQ:SE-2 User's Guide in Spanish?

At this point in time, the ASQ:SE-2 User's Guide is only available in English. For an at-a-glance guide to ASQ-3 administration and scoring basics, use the ASQ-3 Quick Start Guide in Spanish . Also, view the support materials available in Spanish on the ASQ website .

My program conducts screenings with children who come from Spanish-speaking homes but are currently residing in an English only speaking home at the time of screening. When would you recommend bringing an interpretor to the home to complete a questionnaire? Prior to 9 months of age, do you think an interpretor would be needed?

Best practices for screening children with linguistically diverse backgrounds depends on many individual circumstances, including the English language skills of the child. If there is any doubt about whether the child understands English, the ASQ developers recommend that an interpretor be used. It is also important …

Is the ASQ-3 Spanish version validated with a Spanish-speaking population? Does it have separate normative data?

The Spanish translation of ASQ-3 has not been separately validated or normed. It is a translation of the English tool, not a separately developed tool with its own standardization data. However, the developers’ research suggests that the English cutoff scores are appropriate for Spanish-speaking children as well. Als…

Is ASQ:SE-2 available in languages besides English?

Yes, ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires are also available in Arabic, French, Vietnamese and Spanish. ASQ:SE (1st edition) is available in Hmong and Somali in the Patient Tools, Inc. system. See additional translations and adaptations of ASQ:SE-2.

Is there an ASQ-3 User's Guide in Spanish?

At this point in time, the ASQ-3 User's Guide is only available in English. For an at-a-glance guide to ASQ-3 administration and scoring basics, use the ASQ-3 Quick Start Guide in Spanish . Also, view the support materials available in Spanish on the ASQ website .

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