At the ASQ Training Institute, you'll learn everything you need to know to instruct your colleagues in using ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 to screen infants and young children for developmental and social-emotional delays. The three-day seminar will teach you how to implement ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 effectively; score questionnaires…
Yes, using the next lower age interval is recommended. A provider can sample items from the lower age interval and see if the child can do those skills. It may be possible that the parents do not read English or understand the questions. A phone call is recommended to determine whether the parents need a translated q…
See a brief, technical snapshot for ASQ-3 . More information regarding the reliability and norms used can be found in the Technical Report within the ASQ-3 User’s Guide or available on the ASQ website.
ASQ-3 features two new questionnaires (the 2 month and 9 month questionnaires); an expanded and more flexible age range for administration; a refined Spanish translation; new cutoff scores and a new monitoring zone; new standardization data; an updated user’s guide, and online data management and questionnaire comple…
No, at this point in time, there is not an alignment between ASQ-3 and OUNCE.
No, there is not an app for ASQ Online. However, ASQ Family Access pages are responsively designed, which allows the pages to adjust based on the size of the mobile device allowing for easy readability. We are currently exploring developing an app for parents.
In ASQ-3 Learning Activities, the genders are alternated in the activities with the goal of enhancing ease of use; professionals do not need to choose between female & male versions of the sheets. We know that using gender pronouns causes difficulty in some instances so we have decided to use the gender-neutral si…
Programs are able to adapt items that are not culturally or linguistically appropriate for the population they serve. Learn more about adapting ASQ for diverse populations . If you are interested in creating an adapted version of the questionnaires for reproduction, you will need to obtain permission. You should …
Yes, those items should be scored not yet. However, if the child is using non-verbal communication to answer the questions, you can count those responses.
The developers have examined the difference between completing the questionnaires on paper and online and found that the results are equivalent. The research was published in Infants & Young Children . Questionnaire administration via telephone has not been examined by a research study. However, a lot of data coll…